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Blog November 19, 2021 0

Cloud SQL/ Create SQL instance

gcloud sql instances create [INSTANCE_NAME] --database-version=SQLSERVER_2017_STANDARD --cpu=[NUMBER_CPUS] --memory=[MEMORY_SIZE] --root-password=[INSERT-PASSWORD-HERE]

Connect to your instance

  • Private IP: Requires additional APIs and permissions, which may require your system admin. visit the Networking page to change.
  • Public IP: Authorize a network or use Cloud SQL Proxy to connect.

Cloud SQL/ Cloud SQL Auth proxy

Cloud SQL Auth proxy can listen on any port, it only creates outgoing connections to the Cloud SQL instance on port.

gcp-sql-cloud-proxy by Nam Le, on Flickr

Download Cloud SQL Auth proxy.

Creates outgoing connections to the Cloud SQL instance on port 1433:

cloud_sql_proxy -instances=[Instance-connection-name]=tcp:1433 

Configuring the user account

gcloud sql users set-password sqlserver --instance=[INSTANCE_NAME] --prompt-for-password

Restoring and Backing up

Due to permission from GCP (Ref:, we use bucket for the import. It’s required roles and permissions.

gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:[email protected]:legacyBucketWriter,objectViewer gs://ia-tdc-data-1
gcloud sql instances describe catdcdbt1


gcloud sql import bak [INSTANCE_NAME] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[FILE_NAME] 


gcloud sql export bak [INSTANCE_NAME] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[FILE_NAME] 
--database =[DATABASE_NAME]


We have created SQL Instance named catdcdbt1, set the password password when the instance was created.:

gcp-sql-cloud-proxy by Nam Le, on Flickr

Then the command is below:

"C:\namle\cloud_sql_proxy.exe" -instances="tdc-shared-services:us-central1:catdcdbt1"=tcp:1433

Setting the password for user sqlserver:

gcloud sql users set-password sqlserver --instance=tdcdb-t1 --prompt-for-password

Creating User, Setting Pwd:

gcloud sql users create [USER_NAME] --instance=[INSTANCE_NAME] --password=[PASSWORD]


gcloud sql users set-password sqlserver --instance=[INSTANCE_NAME] --prompt-for-password

Connect to instance using SQL Server Management Studio:

  • For Server Type, enter Database Engine.
  • For Server Name, enter as the IP address of your SQL Server instance.
  • For Authentication, enter SQL Server Authentication.
  • For Login, enter default user is sqlserver.
  • For Password, enter the password used when the instance was created/ or the new pwd updated.

gcp-sql-cloud-proxy-connect-0 by Nam Le, on Flickr

Restoring and Backing up

To restore a bak from bucket gs://nas1-bucket/db_ex_stg.bak to the SQL Instance, set the role Write and Read, then, run the import command.

gcloud sql instances describe catdcdbt1
gsutil acl ch -u "[email protected]":W gs://nas1-bucket
gsutil acl ch -u "[email protected]":R gs://nas1-bucket/db_ex_stg.bak

Then perform the restore from bucket:

gcloud sql import bak catdcdbt1 gs://nas1-bucket/db_ex_stg.bak --database=Exchange_Staging

19 Nov 2021

Last modified on October 10th, 2024 at 1:07 pm

Nam Le

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