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GCP Cloud Storage

Blog November 18, 2021 0
  • Zonal persistent disk: Efficient, reliable block storage.
  • Regional persistent disk: Regional block storage replicated in two zones.
  • Local SSD: High performance, transient, local block storage.
  • Cloud Storage buckets: Affordable object storage.
  • Filestore: High performance file storage for Google Cloud users.

Creating storage buckets

gsutil mb gs://BUCKET_NAME

Upload from local to Cloud Storage

gsutil cp -r "D:\xxx" gs://BUCKET_NAME

Download from Cloud Storage

gsutil cp -r gs://BUCKET_NAME /xxx D:\yyy

Upload files from TDC (The Data Center) folder:

Download files from TDC (The Data Center) folder:

2021/11/17 at 12:08 pm

Last modified on October 10th, 2024 at 12:16 pm

Nam Le

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